To most horse purchasers, paying a 10 to 15% commission to their professional seems like a lot of money for buying a dressage horse!

If your professional isn’t doing or doesn’t know what they should be doing TO EARN that commission, you are 100% correct.

Today, the vast majority of the buyers contacting ImpulsionUnlimited about horses for sale, are doing almost all of the work for their professional.

Chances are that if you are reading this, you are in the majority and have a right to question commissions or better yet use the “21 Things” to get your professional ACTIVELY ENGAGED in the process to ensure you get you the best possible horse for your needs.

We firmly believe that a true “professional,” worthy of a commission, should be fully engaged throughout all four phases of the buying process to EARN IT.

The Four Phases of the Buying Process

  • Finding the Right Candidates
  • Evaluating Finalists
  • Resolving Concerns
  • Finalizing the Decision

Within the four phases, we have identified 21 distinct best practices, performed by a handful of professionals.  To avoid long, costly searches and major mistakes when buying a dressage horse, your professional should follow these practices.

PHASE ONE: Finding the Right Candidates

1.  Help you to define your needs, goals, and objectives in detail and set a realistic budget.

Below is a link that expands on the first best practice that you can print.

How to find your dream horse in 90 days or less

2.  Click here and complete the form to request the entire list of 21 best practices. 

Please note in the subject line that you want the 21 best practices outline

To your SUCCESS!

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