Selling your horse is an emotionally challenging and difficult financial decision.

If you know a different situation is best for you and your horse, the first option coming to mind is to use your trainer to sell the horse.

It sounds simple enough. Right? Use your trainer to sell the horse.

  • You know your trainer and the trainer knows your horse
  • You know the level of care your horse is receiving
  • You can see and continue to ride your horse

Why  trainers will say yes:

  • They like you and your horse
  • Training/board income
  • Commission on the sale

10 Questions to consider

How many horses did this person sell in the last 6 months? year?
How long does it take to find new owners?
How much time is expressly devoted to finding buyers through outbound marketing of sales horses per week?
How good is their website and social media presence?
Do they return phone calls and emails promptly or not? (This is the #1 buyer complaint today about sellers!)
Does their schedule allow them to drop everything for a half day, a full day or longer to entertain clients and show your horse on short notice?
Are they well organized with: contracts, bills of sale, liability releases, and follow-up strategies for leads?
What is their ratio of asking price to accepted price?
Do they enjoy the selling process and it’s challenges including managing expectations during the vet check?
If things don’t go well, is risking your relationship with your trainer really worth it?

Taking the time to seek out,  answers to these questions can save you time, money and avoid risking a valued relationship.

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